A few ingenious CSS approaches from Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier has been at it again – he continues to deliver more excellent and thought provoking content around CSS and I wanted to share some of it with you.

One idea in particular that has really caught my attention in recent days is his post concerning list marker alignment. It’s accompanied with a great video walk-through, and shows how we can harness Grid and Subgrid, albeit in Firefox at this time, to better arrange list markers keeping them inside the element boundaries. The article can be found here https://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/185-inside-aligned-lists/ and will definitely be one to watch in the future.

The other interesting piece is saw was his Codepen demonstrating how hiding breaks with media queries can allow for better text flow. This is something I had never really considered before, but it’s a great idea. Check it out with the following link, and be sure to drag the box out to see how the content flows:  https://codepen.io/chriscoyier/pen/MWarPjL

I’ve been following Chris for a number of years now, particularly his CSS-Tricks website and I’m very grateful for all the hard work he’s put in to creating content that can help others, myself included. If you’re just starting out, or even if your a more seasoned developer I’d implore you to follow Chris and others like him. You never know when they might just show you something which is a game changer.

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