Enhance your users experience with themes thanks to CSS variables

Dark themes seem to be all the rage currently. No doubt you’ve seen them on your phone, computer and the various apps you frequent. Some consider them a gimmick, others find them beneficial to their online experience. Dark themes can be a more comfortable way to browse at night and in low light, and a way to reduce battery consumption for OLED devices. Sometimes they are just a visual prefer...

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The chequerboard reveal

I saw Geoff Graham had put a neat CodePen together recently with a chequerboard reveal. I figured I should have a go, so ended up using one of my wife’s photos from our trip to Canada a few years back. See the Pen Checkerboard by James (@jamesevers) on CodePen. I’m pretty sure this could be worked into a nice hero section somehow with a little more finesse. However the reveal concept...

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Turning my business card into a digital flip card

I keep seeing flip cards all over the internet at the moment. I know I’m probably late to the party on these but I thought I would have a go at turning my business card into one for a bit of fun. For those of you that aren’t familiar with flip cards — well they’re cards typically used to convey simple pieces of information, often factual and commonly found in education resource...

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