Get actionable tasks to improve page speed with Waterfaller

My recommendation this week is Waterfaller. A new tool I’ve discovered thanks to the newsletter. Incidently, if you are at all interested in website performance than I suggest signing up to It’s been a fantastic resource as of late for me. What is Waterfaller? Waterfaller takes a given page URL and outputs actionable tasks to improve page speed. Where it differs ...

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Recommended: Solving the Quality vs Consistency Tradeoff by @swyx

It’s time to admit that when comes to content creation I’m currently struggling with quality vs consistency. Over the last 6 months I have been determined to try and write more. When I decided on this I had two key goals in mind. Firstly I wanted to organically increase awareness of my freelancing as a WordPress developer. Secondly I hoped that the content I wrote might be useful to ot...

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Recommended: Harry’s Marketing Examples

My recommendation for this week is Harry’s Marketing Examples. Which you can find here: So far I have found the Marketing Examples website helpful as it’s full of easy to understand advice. It’s all quite logical and actionable. My goal for 2021 is firmly aimed at growth through better marketing of myself, with the key differentiator being value. H...

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Recommended: “The Tipping Point: How Performance Decisions Make Accessibility Differences” by Henri Helvetica

This weeks recommendation is Henri Helvetica’s talk “The Tipping Point: How Performance Decisions Make Accessibility Differences”. This talk was for the 2019 Inclusive Design 24 event, and although it’s from a couple of years ago it’s still relevant today. It’s a very thoughtful account on the state of best practices when aiming to align performance and accessib...

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Recommended: Modern CSS Solutions by Stephanie Eckles

There’s a lot of wonderful content out on the web to help frontend devs learn and progress. But sometimes it can be a challenge finding it. So for 2021 i am going to try and share what I believe to be a valuable resource once a week in the hope that someone (even if it’s just one person) may find it valuable. Today I will start with Modern CSS Solutions by @5t3ph who continues to deliv...

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