Why you might need 301 redirects if you’re relaunching your website

If you’re about to relaunch your website you might want to consider whether you’ll need to setup 301 redirects. But what are 301 redirects, and why might you need them? A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect which informs search engines that a URL has changed. This is important in helping maintain rankings and link authority. Dead links will stop ranking, and users visiting them will b...

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Using Varvy to help with SEO and page speed

If you want to make sure your website is checking the right boxes when it comes to Google’s guidelines on SEO and Page Speed try checking out some of the helpful tools from Varvy – https://varvys.com/ It’s a really helpful indicator to see if you might need to make any improvements to your site. If you can follow the guidelines as best you can then you’re giving your websit...

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