Get actionable tasks to improve page speed with Waterfaller

My recommendation this week is Waterfaller. A new tool I’ve discovered thanks to the newsletter.

Incidently, if you are at all interested in website performance than I suggest signing up to It’s been a fantastic resource as of late for me.

What is Waterfaller?

Waterfaller takes a given page URL and outputs actionable tasks to improve page speed.

Where it differs from Googles Page Speed insights is in it’s break down of how to fix solutions. Rather than just an insight it provides:

  • an issue summary
  • the required task to complete
  • how to test the issue
  • the likely actionable soloution
  • an estimate on time require to complete the suggested solution
  • the impact the change will have on page speed

Slowdowns are displayed on a file by file basis in a waterfall chart to help visualizes your pages issues.

As a WordPress developer tools like Waterfaller are extremely helpful, and I can see myself continuing to use this. However it can absolutely be used by anyone to help identify issues with their page speed.

Visit the Waterfaller website with the following link and try it for yourself:


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