Essential WordPress plugins to help with your website: UpDraftPlus

This week I wanted to focus on essential (in my opinion) WordPress plugins that you should consider when building a new WordPress website. These suggestions are made with everyone in mind, so if you are a DIYer, a web designer or an agency, these should be useful to you. Now I strongly believe if you’re going to spend your time and effort building a beautiful website and filling it with grea...

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Essential WordPress plugins to help with your website: WordFence

WordPress sometimes gets a bad reputation for security but I believe it’s quite often unfair, and that the real issue is in providing better information for everyone about correct WordPress setup. Making sure you have the correct file permissions, unique database prefixes, properly generated salt keys (yes that’s a thing), secure and unique usernames and passwords are all absolute esse...

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Essential WordPress plugins to help with your website: WP-Optimize

Today I wanted to talk briefly about improving the performance of your WordPress site. It’s important to remember that page speed has a direct relationship to bounce rates and conversions on your website. So if your website load times are slow your going to loose potential customers and revenue. The best way to achieve a highly optimized site is to hire good quality designers and developers ...

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The different types of website you can build with WordPress

The first thing that springs to most peoples minds when thinking of WordPress is blogging, or a personal website, however there’s a lot more you could use it for… You could build a website for your business or professional services. Just be mindful of the theme you choose and how it will deliver your content to your audience. Its also essential to consider if it will work with your bra...

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Are you using a passphrase?

As a front end web developer there’s a lot I can do to help maximise how secure the websites I build are from a technical standpoint. However I also think part of that is a responsibility to remind the users, customers, and owners of these products just how important good password practice is. I think we are as a whole becoming more aware of the need to keep things secure in this digital age...

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