The pursuit of better value for all – The changes I’m making for 2021

I consider myself fortunate to have returned to freelancing with a successful 12 months in what will have been a turbulent year for many. Of course I’ve had my ups and downs but my client base has grown, along with my income, and my skills. And for the most part I have been able to enjoy a flexible balance of my time between work and pleasure. However I know that I can still achieve better v...

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Recommended: Modern CSS Solutions by Stephanie Eckles

There’s a lot of wonderful content out on the web to help frontend devs learn and progress. But sometimes it can be a challenge finding it. So for 2021 i am going to try and share what I believe to be a valuable resource once a week in the hope that someone (even if it’s just one person) may find it valuable. Today I will start with Modern CSS Solutions by @5t3ph who continues to deliv...

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The podcasts I’ve been getting the most out of

Throughout 2020 I’ve aimed to keep up with current events in front end development as much as possible. It’s essential for my work and completely fascinating looking at the innovation happening across the industry. Blogs and newsletter have always been a good staple for this – and will continue to be so. However one of my goals this year was to reduce my screen time. Between codi...

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The books I keep returning to as a freelancer

Christmas isn’t far away, but when it arrives hopefully we’ll all be able to have some time off. If we’re fortunate we may even be able to spend it with our family and loved ones after a long year apart. Whilst I expect most of us will want to switch off from work entirely, it could also be a good time to get a bit of reading in too. After all there’s only so many Christmas...

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Using an image CDN like Cloudimage could save you time

Managing the images on your website is no longer as simple as uploading them with fixed dimensions and considering it a job well done. The web has evolved considerably and so has the way you should approach the implementation of images on your website. We can now make use of responsive image solutions with the img srcset tag, modern file formats like WebP, and content distribution networks (CDN...

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Tiny helpers is a useful website bookmarking online tools for developers

I recently came across Tiny helpers via a recommendation from the Front End Happy Hour podcast. In its own words it’s “A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers…” and several of which I have found quite useful. If you have some spare time take a look and see if there’s anything that might help you with your next project. ...

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Easy local development for WordPress and PHP

Ask someone how they setup their local development tooling and you’ll get a different answer every time. We all have our own ideas and opinions on what suits our needs best and that’s fine. However it can be incredibly difficult as a beginner to know where to start. So I’d like to offer a suggestion for anyone looking to try local WordPress development – that suggestion is ...

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Improving image management with lazy loading

Having previously written about the benefits of using the WebP image format, I wanted to follow it up with some additional thoughts on improving page load times further with a technique called lazy loading. In the original gallery example I had 10 images with a combined size over 8MB and a rather appalling 40+ seconds page load on 3G. With WebP and some considered use of the img srcset attribute w...

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Keep your WordPress admin area tidy

The WordPress admin provides a rich editing experience with a variety of features and tools at our disposal. However there are times when these features just aren’t required for our websites – so wouldn’t it be nice if we could hide them? Less clutter keeps us focused, so fewer menus and options should make our path to completing our tasks a little more straight forward. Removing...

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A few ingenious CSS approaches from Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier has been at it again – he continues to deliver more excellent and thought provoking content around CSS and I wanted to share some of it with you. One idea in particular that has really caught my attention in recent days is his post concerning list marker alignment. It’s accompanied with a great video walk-through, and shows how we can harness Grid and Subgrid, albeit in Fi...

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Have you restricted access to your WordPress REST API?

If you are unsure what the WordPress REST API is, or you know you aren’t going to be using it, then you should consider limiting access to it. Put simply the REST API is an endpoint which other applications and services can use to retrieve data from your WordPress website. By default it exposes posts, pages, comments, and users with authored content. Although some information is restricted t...

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Turning my business card into a digital flip card

I keep seeing flip cards all over the internet at the moment. I know I’m probably late to the party on these but I thought I would have a go at turning my business card into one for a bit of fun. For those of you that aren’t familiar with flip cards — well they’re cards typically used to convey simple pieces of information, often factual and commonly found in education resource...

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